• +49 (0) 7154 1553915
  • contact@devomech.com

Mobile, Web, and Desktop

App Development

Building Scalable, Cost-Effective Apps for Your Long-Term Success

Tailored Solutions

From lead-generating websites to mobile apps, our team crafts tailored solutions.

Web App Development

UI/UX Design

Mobile App Development

Cloud Services

Desktop App Development

Development Process

Technology Stack

We employ a modern technology stack to build scalable and robust applications

Mobile App Development

  • NiOS
  • NAndroid
  • NFlutter
  • NXamarin
  • NReact Native

Desktop Development

  • NQT or GTK
  • N.NET Framework with C#
  • NThermal design
  • NElectron
  • NSwift

Web App Development

  • NHTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • NReact, Angular, Vue.js
  • NNode.js
  • NPython
  • NRuby on Rails
  • NPHP
  • NMySQL, PostgreSQL
  • NMongoDB
  • NCloud Services

Post-launch, our commitment to your success continues with comprehensive support and maintenance services

Support and Maintenance

  • NBug Fixes
  • NPerformance Optimization
  • NSecurity Updates
  • NSoftware Updates
  • NBackup and Recovery
  • NTechnical Support
  • NCompliance Monitoring
  • NFeature Enhancement




Project Completed

Active Clients

Countries Worldwide


Got questions? We're here to help

Drop us a line and let’s explore innovative solutions together!